Meta Data Elements
Meta data elements get their information filled in with meta data from the active song object or on initialization from the keyed song in the array. These can be any type of HTML element except when filling in cover_art_url, station_art_url, or podcast_episode_cover_art_url.
These specific keys have to be on an img tag since they update the src attribute of the tag. Every other attribute fills in the inner html of the tag.
Image Metadata
When defining a song object there are 3 different keys you can define image meta data with:
- cover_art_url
- station_art_url
- podcast_episode_cover_art_url
These URLs point to an image that will be substituted out for the active song image.
Text Metadata
With text metadata describing a song, you can use whatever information you like and place it in whatever element you like. This give much more flexibility when using AmplitudeJS in a variety of audio scenarios such as for radio stations and podcasts. To add an element that contains a piece of meta data regarding the now playing song simply add:
<span data-amplitude-song-info="{song_meta_index}"></span>
If it's an element for a playlist add the key for the playlist:
<span data-amplitude-song-info="{song_meta_index}" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist_index}"></span>
Autofill Meta Data
Sometimes when building a player, you don't know what every song is on load and need to load songs dynamically. With AmplitudeJS this is not a problem. AmplitudeJS will autofill the meta data for lists of songs if you do a combination of the following on the element.
- 'data-amplitude-song-info' - Defines the information you want injected into the element. This is the key of the song object.
- 'data-amplitude-song-index' - Defines the index of the song in the songs array that you want to inject into the element.
This is super convenient when loading songs dynamically either server side or loading after the page has loaded.
Playlist Meta Data
When you add a playlist, you can add all sorts of other metadata to the playlist object, similar to who song objects work. AmplitudeJS also takes care of initializing this data on the screen if you have your meta data element keyed up correctly. Let's say you have a playlist title field represented by title
in the playlist element that you want to display on the screen. You'd add an element that has the following attributes:
<span data-amplitude-playlist-info="title" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist_key}"></span>
Essentially you have to add an attribute with the key of the element and the playlist key in a format like this:
<span data-amplitude-playlist-info="{info}" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist_key}"></span>
Time Metadata
There are certain elements that contain time data about the active song. You can add these elements to your document and they will auto fill with the current status of the song. Like other elements, these can be either for the overall player, scoped in a playlist or for a specific song. There are three sets of time meta data: current time, song duration, time remaining. The song duration can only be set for the active song since the metadata isn't preloaded for all of the songs. The time remaining is a count down for how much time is left for a song.
Main Current Time - Displays in MM:SS
<span class="amplitude-current-time"></span>
Main Current Hours
<span class="amplitude-current-hours"></span>
Main Current Minutes
<span class="amplitude-current-minutes"></span>
Main Current Seconds
<span class="amplitude-current-seconds"></span>
Current Time For Playlist - Displays in MM:SS
<span class="amplitude-current-time" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist_key}"></span>
Current Hours For Playlist
<span class="amplitude-current-hours" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist_key}"></span>
Current Minutes For Playlist
<span class="amplitude-current-minutes" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist_key}"></span>
Current Seconds For Playlist
<span class="amplitude-current-seconds" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist_key}"></span>
Current Time For Song
<span class="amplitude-current-time" data-amplitude-song-index="{song_index}"></span>
Current Hours For Song
<span class="amplitude-current-hours" data-amplitude-song-index="{song_index}"></span>
Current Minutes For Song
<span class="amplitude-current-minutes" data-amplitude-song-index="{song_index}"></span>
Current Seconds For Song
<span class="amplitude-current-seconds" data-amplitude-song-index="{song_index}"></span>
Current Time For Song In Playlist
<span class="amplitude-current-time" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist_key}" data-amplitude-song-index="{song_index}"></span>
Current Hours For Song In Playlist
<span class="amplitude-current-hours" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist_key}" data-amplitude-song-index="{song_index}"></span>
Current Minutes For Song In Playlist
<span class="amplitude-current-minutes" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist_key}" data-amplitude-song-index="{song_index}"></span>
Current Seconds For Song In Playlist
<span class="amplitude-current-seconds" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist_key}" data-amplitude-song-index="{song_index}"></span>
Main Duration Time - Displays in MM:SS
<span class="amplitude-duration-time"></span>
Main Duration Hours
<span class="amplitude-duration-hours"></span>
Main Duration Minutes
<span class="amplitude-duration-minutes"></span>
Main Duration Seconds
<span class="amplitude-duration-seconds"></span>
Duration Time For Playlist - Displays in MM:SS
<span class="amplitude-duration-time"></span>
Duration Hours For Playlist
<span class="amplitude-duration-hours" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist_key}"></span>
Duration Minutes For Playlist
<span class="amplitude-duration-minutes" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist_key}"></span>
Duration Seconds For Playlist
<span class="amplitude-duration-seconds" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist_key}"></span>
Duration Time For Song - Displays in MM:SS
<span class="amplitude-duration-time" data-amplitude-song-index="{song_index}"></span>
Duration Hours For Song
<span class="amplitude-duration-hours" data-amplitude-song-index="{song_index}"></span>
Duration Minutes For Song
<span class="amplitude-duration-minutes" data-amplitude-song-index="{song_index}"></span>
Duration Seconds For Song
<span class="amplitude-duration-seconds" data-amplitude-song-index="{song_index}"></span>
Main Time Remaining For Song
<span class="amplitude-time-remaining"></span>
Playlist Main Time Remaining For Song
<span class="amplitude-time-remaining" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist_key}"></span>
Song Time Remaining
<span class="amplitude-time-remaining" data-amplitude-song-index="{song_index}"></span>
Song Container
This is a unique element. What this does is allow you to assign a container to
the visual representation of a song or a song in a playlist. When that song is
currently playing, the class amplitude-active-song-container
will be applied
to the song container element. This way you can style the element to show the
active song.
For a single song container it would be:
<div class="amplitude-song-container" data-amplitude-song-index="{X}"></div>
For a playlist song container it would be:
<div class="amplitude-song-container" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist_key}" data-amplitude-song-index="{X}"></div>