Design your web audio player, the way you want.


Like these songs? Click the icon next to the song to purchase their music.

Free & open source with MIT license.

What you can do with AmplitudeJS

Build a fully customizable web audio player Stop being limited by the web browser's audio player design.
Create dynamic playlists on the fly Building dynamic playlists is a breeze β€” and fun too!
Broadcast to your live audience Engage with your audience by steaming your live audio.
Visualize your audio like never seen before Fully customize your own audio visualizer or waveform generator.

Oh, and there’s a lot more too….

πŸ“˜ Fully Documented Simple, beautiful, and to the point
πŸ„β€ No Dependencies No jQuery required.
πŸ“² Responsive & Touch Friendly AmplitudeJS will respnd to any design you create.
🏎 Dynamic Speed Controls Adjust playback speed on the fly (great for podcasts!)
⌨️ Shortcuts Share a premium experience with keyboard shortcuts.
πŸŽ› Advanced Controls Every media control you'll need (shuffle, repeat, etc)
πŸ’ Beautiful Data Load song data using JSON. You can even dynamically load it.
πŸš€ Runs on any web server If your web server can serve an MP3, you can use AmplitudeJS on it.
🎨 Build any design you want AmplitudeJS eliminates any design restriction.

Support the project

AmplitudeJS is free to use under the MIT license, but there is a lot of effort required to maintain and develop new features. Without proper financial backing, the project is not sustainable to provide the product quality that we envision. Your donations will directly support office hours, feature enhancements, accessible learning materials, and great documentation.

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