Soundcloud Configuration

AmplitudeJS supports SoundCloud integration! To use SoundCloud there are a couple parameters that need to be set.

First, the url in your song object must be the SoundCloud URL of the song provided. Second, the artist must have their audio be able to be streamed. NOT ALL AUDIO ON SOUNDCLOUD IS STREAMABLE! This is up to the artist to allow the song to be streamed through their API. If they do not allow it, the audio will not be able to be streamed!

Finally, you will need to initialize AmplitudeJS with the soundcloud_client key. This is set up when you create a developer account.

Your initialization should look like this:

    songs: [{
      url: ''
    soundcloud_client: 'YOUR_CLIENT_KEY'

On initialization, AmplitudeJS will detect that there is a SoundCloud URL and grab the streaming URL to replace it with. This also works for adding SoundCloud URLs in playlists.

After AmplitudeJS loads the URL, the data is stored in a key on the song object called soundcloud_data. If you run Amplitude.getSongAtIndex(INDEX_OF_SONG) you will see additional data loaded from SoundCloud that you can use.

You can also, set the album art of the song to be what SoundCloud returns instead of what you provide. This is helpful if you don't have access to the album art, however the quality of the image is determined by SoundCloud.

To use SoundCloud album art initialize AmplitudeJS with:

    songs: [{
      url: ''
    soundcloud_client: 'YOUR_CLIENT_KEY',
    soundcloud_use_art: true

A quick heads up with using SoundCloud and wanting to run an FX visualization or skip to a part of the song. You must ensure the proper Byte-Range header is sent back from the server: Now SoundCloud is pretty good at this, but some of their legacy CDNs didn't support it in the past so it's just a heads up.