How to contribute to AmplitudeJS
We greatly appeciate any efforts to help grow and maintain the AmplitudeJS community! There are number of ways that you can help AmplitudeJS:
Share us on social media
Any sort of help to get the word out is greatly appreciated. The easiest way to share us on social media is to click the share icons on our homepage →
Help answer bugs on Github
There are a number of Github issues that need help being answered. If you have some time available, view our open Github issues →
Answer questions on Our Community
From time to time, people jump on the Server Side Up Community forum to ask questions.
Submit a pull request
If you are looking to submit a feature or a bugfix, contributions are always welcome. View our contributing guidelines →
Become a backer
Maintaining an open source project takes a lot of effort and the project is not sustainable without proper financial support. If you really want to see AmplitudeJS grow and expand support us on Open Collective →